
October 9, 2024

Why Family Photos Are Best During Golden Hour

There’s a reason why family photographers like to schedule family photos during golden hour. Let’s talk about it!

Family portrait season is just around the corner! It’s one of my favorite times of year.

No matter if you need new family photos for the holidays or simply want to capture this moment in time, you might be wondering when it’s the best time to take them. 

The first thing to consider is if you want to take them indoors or outdoors. Most of my couples opt to capture photos outside while appreciating the beauty of every season. 

Nothing says family fun like jumping into a pile of freshly fallen leaves or drinking hot chocolate against the backdrop of pine trees dusted with snow! I like to embrace the chaos during family portrait sessions, giving kids the opportunity to let loose, make memories, and enjoy a more laid-back session. 

Rest assured you’ll walk away with candid photos that tell the story of our time together along with naturally posed family portraits worthy of being printed and framed in your home. 

Once we decide on a location for your family photos, we’ll want to schedule your session in my calendar. While I work to accommodate even the busiest of schedules, I always recommend taking golden hour family photos. Here’s why!

What even is golden hour?

Golden hour is the hour before sunset that happens right as the sun hovers over the horizon. The hour after sunrise can also be considered the golden hour, but it’s less common to take photos at this time for obvious reasons (yawn!).

This time of day is referred to as the golden hour because of the warm tones the sun provides as it’s setting. It’s a fan favorite for a reason! It’s all about getting the lighting just right, and for outdoor sessions, we’re at the mercy of the sun.  

Keep in mind that the location you choose can affect this, too! For example,  a wide-open field will have a golden hour that’s much closer to the actual sunset time than a big city with tall skyscrapers. 

It’s best to chat with your photographer about golden hour family photo ideas and nail down the exact start time of your session based on your ideal location. 

Why is golden hour a great time to shoot?

Golden hour family photos provide soft and diffused light compared to the harsh midday sun. This kind of lighting greatly reduces harsh shadows and creates a flattering, even illuminating effect on people’s faces! 

Not only that, but the harsh lighting at noon often brings higher temperatures which can make you and your family uncomfortable— not to mention messing up your hair! 

The sunlight during golden hour has a warm, golden hue that enhances skin tones and adds a cozy feel to your family photos. This natural warmth makes family photos appear more vibrant and colorful. While warm tones can absolutely be added in the post-production- editing process, capturing them as they already are is always the best choice! It’ll make your photos feel more authentic to the outdoor setting. 

During midday shoots, families tend to squint their eyes to block incoming bright light from the overhead sun. It’s particularly difficult to get kids to keep their eyes open! The soft light of golden hour essentially eliminates this issue, making it easier for you to relax and look comfortable on camera, all while showcasing your true selves..

If you want bright, colorful, and true-to-life family photos, then golden hour is a great time of day because it illuminates the naturally gorgeous backdrop.  This can include trees, lakes, or other stunning landscapes which often look more vibrant and picturesque during this time of day.

Golden hour often falls within calmer times of the day when the hustle and bustle of work and school has quieted down. This can help everyone feel more relaxed during the session which leads to more genuine expressions and interactions. When you are your true selves, your photos will reflect the love and joy of your unique family!

Are family photos only taken during the golden hour?

Absolutely not! I know in the peak summer hours, the golden hour is long past young kids’ bedtime (or way too early in the morning). 

Alternatively, there are plenty of locations we can choose for your family portrait session that provide enough shade and diffused light. That way, it’s scheduled at a time that keeps your kids as happy as clams. 

When booking your session, be sure to ask your photographer how flexible the session timing is! Some photographs may only shoot golden hour family photos because it’s important for their portfolio, but I’m much more interested in creating the best family portraits possible within the constraints and parameters of everyday life. 

Ready to book your golden hour family photos?

If you’re interested in booking a holiday family portrait session with me, I’m currently booking 2024 Fall Mini sessions for families and couples! Simply choose your preferred date on Oct 27th or Nov 23rd, and meet me there!

If you have a specific day or location in mind, we can also create your ideal golden hour family photo session. Start by booking a call with me, and we’ll plan it all out!

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